Nominations now open for 2019 Good Brick Awards

Preservation Houston is now accepting nominations for the 2019 Good Brick Awards for excellence in historic preservation. Residential, commercial and institutional projects all qualify for awards. Awards are also given for publications; recognition for craft specialists and design professionals; preservation-related programs or activities; and outstanding service or leadership in historic preservation.

Landmark Sears building to become tech hub

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner and Rice University President David Leebron announced plans April 12 to repurpose the landmark Sears building in Midtown as a hub for tech startups, part of a larger proposal to develop an innovation district along Main Street between downtown and the Texas Medical Center in collaboration with a variety of educational and research institutions and businesses.

Operation Photo Rescue Houston copy run

Preservation Houston and Operation Photo Rescue teamed up to help Houstonians whose family photos were damaged during Hurricane Harvey with a copy run Dec. 9 and 10.

Volunteers sorted, measured and photographed the damaged photos, which will be sent to OPR volunteers around the world for digital restoration. The result: People who thought their memories had been lost will get restored new prints of their treasured photos.